Wednesday 12 December 2012

Is a graying woman really so gross?


  1. Very interesting!!... I completely agree, its downright ridiculous and disgusting how the media promotes such an unrealistic image of a woman. And the pity is that most people keep THAT as a yardstick to judge themselves or others. And thus get so trapped in this quest for a perfect figure or that look that their whole life revolves around it!
    On the other hand there is this other extreme -
    people who just don't care .. or atleast pretend not to care about how they look! I've seen bulky ...clearly over weight women in Tank tops on the street!! And I really don't understand what is it they are trying to prove!! They not only make a fool of themselves but embarrass others as well.
    Anyway, to each his own! But I feel the essence is to find that balance and to know what is the driving factor behind what you are doing or trying to achieve? So, if you really want to cover those grays... Well go ahead but not bcos ur bitchy "friend" gave that horrifying expression! :)

    And to the author Chitra - I read your other blogs as well! ..Great Job! .. Keep writing! :)

  2. Replies
    1. Yes I have, in fact just 2 days ago!

      "Image is powerful, but it is also superficial!" It rings so true, and yet in my own personal and recent experiences I am seeing how important images and appearance are to people and what a powerful grip they have over the human psyche, especially if we are unaware.


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